Monday, March 19, 2007

9 Regrets In Dating

by Graham Billingham

We all have committed mistakes in our dating lives or our relationships. Some we have lived to regret. Through some research here are the most common regrets of dating people or people in a relationship.

1. Most people regret not settling down with their childhood sweetheart or 1st love at college. They always believe that there will be more fish out there so why settle down? There might be more fish out there but do they actually fit your taste and personality. Compared to that proven fish that you have already established with your childhood sweetheart or 1st college love. Some people who didnt marry their childhood sweetheart will only think that they have settled for 2nd best only. This will be unfair to the other party, because you will always be thinking about that 1st love.

2. Dating people for the very wrong reasons always result in disasters. There might be some that could pull it off but it could be rare. Some people date for reasons of that person being physically attractive, business reasons, business contracts, sex or even just out of sympathy. We instead should date people who we seem to like because of their great personality or that being a match for us. A friend of mine tried to date a Muslim because she was pretty attractive, eventually things didnt work out because of cultural differences. If you know that you are entering a dating situation where things will really not work out, dont waste your time on it. There could be others out there while youre wasting your time on the wrong person.

3. People always regret not taking the offer of the date when the offer was there. People will always ask the what if question. Just imagine all the girls who turned down Bill Gates now. Bottom line give the person a chance, it wont hurt to have a sip of coffee for only 30 minutes. You might even find out you might click.

4. In our current society most 20 something people will put career ahead of their love life. This is not a bad thing though. But once you hit your 30s you will seem to lose something within you. You will become less attractive because of aging signs. Our body clocks will eventually catch up on us. Also most good catches will be fewer. Try to balance out your career and social life. Having a love life doesnt mean you need to get married and sacrifice your career. It might even inspire you to work harder. Its just how you view the situation.

5. Never date a married person. Dating a married person always guarantees disaster. This relationship will always be about deceit, lies and cheating. The unmarried party will also be led to expect something that could or might never happen; which is being in a serious relationship with the married person. It might also bother your conscience that you are destroying the life of the married couple. This relationship or dating period will never ever work out and be fun. It will always be filled with doubt.

6. Stupid regrets here, people leave the person they love. Dont know why. If you love the person why leave him or her? Often reasons for a person leaving his or her partner are due to infidelity. If things do eventually go broke it might be too late to go back. I mean if you love the person why be unfaithful? It might be tempting but its only a test of your relationship. Bottom-line, be faithful.

7. People also regret not ending a really bad relationship earlier. There might have been a time during the bad relationship that there was someone better who wouldve wanted to be with you. But because you were in that bad relationship you passed out on that other wonderful person. So if you think youre just not in the right situation have the courage to end it.

8. Dont be jackass in your relationship. People often regret that they could have been nicer to their partner. It will always haunt you when you treat your partner badly. How could our relationship have ended if I was nicer? Try to be courteous, remembering special dates (no matter how cheesy they are), kind, compromising, getting something special, being spontaneous. Dont be too late to change, because you might regret it.

9. Dont be callous when dumping a person. It definitely hurts and karma has a way of finding you.

Graham Billingham is a featured writer at At you will find dating advice and tips,dating site and services reviews

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Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Christian Singles Dating

Christian singles dating is a wonderful way to meet individuals that carry the same desires and beliefs as another Christian with the intention to pursue the relationship to a courtship. Christian dating programs can be found through a variety of ways. Using an already established specialized organization can offer a convenient and easy way to find potential companions. Many organizations, especially through the Internet, offer many great opportunities for individuals to develop relationships based on faith, beliefs, and lifestyle.

Meeting a potential mate or friend that shares the same religious beliefs is an integral part of Christian singles dating. It is very important to find similar individuals when there are very few alternatives to meeting other Christians. "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion hath light with darkness?" (2 Corinthians 6:14) The religious beliefs of a potential companion are often a major concern for a believer when attempting to find a mate. Unlike secular dating where bars and clubs provide opportunities to meet people, believers do not have as many opportunities to meet like-minded people. Christian dating programs allow individuals to meet and speak openly about Christianity and beliefs.

With no clubs or bars for believers to meet and develop relationships, Christian dating programs have been established to link people together. Church programs have been created to reach out to those in the community and attempt to find mates with similar backgrounds. Also, there are numerous online Christian singles dating sites that give individuals the chance to meet similar people. If these options are not helpful, many large cities will have events for believing singles advertised in newspapers. If all else fails, friends may be helpful in the search for a Godly companion.

The convenience of such programs, especially online, takes the work out of finding an individual with similar interests. Work, school, and other priorities often get in the way of a personal life, making it difficult to meet new people and create lasting relationships. Using a Christian singles dating program allows the individual to use the Internet, church, or other means of communication to meet people and create relationships when the time is convenient. As always it is best to allow God to bring two people together for the perfect match. It is important to view the matchmaking programs as introductions, and nothing more, let God provide the rest.

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Online Dating Tips

Online dating tips can help protect personal information while using the Internet to connect with others who share the same values and beliefs. On line dating is most popularly accessed via dating services. For a fee, one can enroll as a member in a service and browse profiles and contact other members in the service. A person can connect with other singles, but there are guidelines that are needed to follow to keep safe.

Advice begins with enrolling in a quality service. There are several free services, but these services do not offer the same quality in member screening as other services. Look for a service that screens its members carefully; many services perform criminal background checks on all applicants. On line dating helps anyone date safer in many cases if someone uses a service that carefully screens its member. Be cautious; trust personal instincts when it comes to conversing on line. Using the Internet as a tool has made us more cautious, as well we should be in all encounters. On line dating helps someone meet others with whom a person forms friendships and maybe even lasting romantic relationships. Online services may help connect with other Christian singles, but keep faith in God, for He will connect with the right person when the time is right. "Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart." (Psalm 37:4)

Many services also offer online dating tips and on line dating helps which discuss the dos and dont's and how to make online contacts more successful. One of the most important tips is to never reveal too much personal information. One of the great advantages is relative anonymity via instant messaging and email. On line dating helps screen potential dates much more carefully, and helps a person choose if and whom a person wishes to offer contact information.

Another of the important thing to know is to take time to get to know potential dates before offering personal information or agreeing to meet. Be wary of individuals who try to push thing ahead too quickly. With these services someone get a good impression of people before meeting or contacting them. Never accept a ride home from anyone meeting through an online service, at least not at first. Online dating tips recommend never listing personal information such as phone number, full name, or address in the profile. Withhold this personal information even until after the first face-to-face meeting. All someone needs to locate a person is a full name and telephone number. Also, consider setting up a temporary email account. This way, the main email is protected if wanting to cut off contact with another member.

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Dating Tips For Men

Dating tips for men and dating tips for women can be useful guides to getting along with and even "wooing" the opposite sex. A person will find a lot of useful information on the Internet or in the many books available regarding how to approach the opposite sex. Whatever your gender, you can be sure to have enough information in order to be equipped for the dating scene when you research information over the Internet.

The kinds of advice available include a wide array of subjects from safety tips, to counsel for single parents, to ideas for different kinds of recreational opportunities on which to take your male or female friend. However, because there are so many websites offering dating tips for men and dating tips for women, the wise single will be careful about the kind of advice he receives. Use common sense when exploring these sites, keeping in mind the kind of man or woman you desire to attract. The apostle Paul, in Ephesians 5:11 tells us to have "no fellowship with works of darkness." This means that we should reserve our most intimate relationships for believers.

Understanding this principle, dating tips can vary from men to women. The advice for men includes those for physical appearance and manners. For example, one for men is "look good, smell good." Seems obvious, right? Apparently not to all men. Another one of the dating tips for men that was listed online involves showing the lady that he can take care of himself. If he is living with his parents and is over the age of 30, that might not be a good sign to the lady he is trying to impress. Finally, many dating tips for men focused on the notion that chivalry is not dead. It does not matter how "liberated" a lady has become, she still likes her man to open the door for her.

On the other hand, dating tips for women seem to focus more on guiding the speed and direction of the relationship. For example, some people advised women to remain a bit of a mystery to the man they are trying to attract. Another advised women not to lower their standards - ever. Finally, as the men were also advised, "look good, smell good." No matter the kind of dating tips for women or men that you choose to take, the most important tip is to "be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another" (Romans 12:10).

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Dating Ideas

Dating ideas can range from dinner and a movie to a scavenger hunt that leads to a marriage proposal. Whatever a person's motive for finding fun dating ideas, he can make sure that he has his significant other's interests in mind. It is a fine art to choreograph a perfect evening, especially if one is not used to doing the activity.

The first thing a person needs to do when researching is to think about his or her goals. He needs to decide what he is trying to accomplish using fun dating ideas. He should decide how much money he is willing to spend on the date. Some rendezvous can be spontaneous and adventurous, others more formal. It doesn't do him any good to plan a walk in the woods at midnight if a person's significant other is afraid of the dark and hates the outdoors.

Dating ideas that come from friends should be considered only as a starting point in which to develop personal ideas. They can be found online or in dating books. It is important to keep meetings safe and ethical. There is nothing worse than spending the time developing great dating ideas and have them fail because of planning or personal thought.

Once a person decides on several options, the next step is to create a plan focusing on the time needed to make everything work well. Great times almost always come with a cost, so it is important to budget responsibly for a good time. The time spent planning fun dating ideas will be wasted if the whole time is spent worrying about the amount of money spent in order to make the day happen. Some general things to think about when developing ideas is the time period available, the amount of money to work with, the date's interests, and the goals for the time spent. Once the answers to these questions have been written down, the next steps will be easy to accomplish. The most important three areas to plan are transportation, spending, and attire.

Dating ideas can be generated by knowing someone a long time and developing the day to his or her interests, researching online, or asking anyone who has ever dated. Because the Bible tells us to "be not unequally yoked" with unbelievers, we have more responsibility to date properly (2 Corinthians 6:14). It is important to keep a Christian perspective when planning so that the events don't turn into a negative experience for anyone.

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Dating Chat Rooms

Dating chat rooms are something that more and more people are turning to these days in an effort to find that perfect someone. They have been used by people for over ten years as something to play as matchmaker for their potential relationship. Unfortunately, dating chat rooms can also be extremely dangerous because there is no way to know who is on the other end of the computer. This is why when deciding to try out singles chat rooms a person has to be aware of what they are looking for. One of the things that are the most important is security.

There are several rules that a person should always stick with when choosing to be in these rooms. One of those rules for singles chat rooms is never give out personal information. If someone is being dishonest in any way, then giving out personal information is a highly dangerous thing that needs to be steered clear of. Next, someone interested in this type of interaction need to not talk about things that are unique to the specific geographic area they are from. This will help them find a location easily. Finally, just be wise in the choice to spend time in singles chat rooms. "That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him." (Ephesians 1:17) If there is still some confusion about whether or not this is the right move to make, consult Godly counsel for wise advice on the subject.

The desire to start relationships is simply part of human nature and should always be done with sincerity and honesty. It is hard to tell either of these qualities when conversing over the Internet. It is important to understand the difficulties of dating on the Internet before even exploring online dating. Knowing all the dangers and possibilities of this type of interaction will help make the experience a much more enjoyable one.

Security is not always easy to find. But there are some secure dating chat rooms that will help someone be more confident in their approach. Christian options exist and will cost a small fee. A person should never go into random chat rooms with the idea of meeting someone. This is one of the most dangerous things that can be done. Anyone interested in singles chat rooms should weigh all the facts before making a decision to even sign in.

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Monday, February 26, 2007


ByAngela Saunders
One thing is certain if you are reading this, you have, at some time in your life, found yourself single, alone and looking for someone to love. When you are part of the Lonely Hearts Club, you hope against all hope that you will finally meet someone who will fit the bill and bring you back to happiness again. So these days you are likely to go on-line and subscribe to a dating site, singles group or register in the personal relationships section of a newspaper or magazine.
You start out eagerly filling in your personal details and writing your profile. It proves to be much more difficult than you thought it would.

How to describe yourself without seeming arrogant, bigheaded, or just brash, is a nightmare exercise. The more modest amongst us struggle to write a paragraph not knowing what to put in and what to leave out, especially if they bring a sensitive, shy or self-conscious nature to the table. Sounding interesting can often turn into a list of dare-devil antics that could drive people away, so what is a person to do? Adding a photograph is fraught with dangers. Which one to choose? Many people are so self-conscious that they just leave them out. Others put up a photo of themselves which represents how they like to think of themselves, only you are left to find out that the photo was taken some twenty years ago when you finally get to meet.

Then there are those who fit the other extreme. Over confident, they sound so wonderful, have achieved so much. Secretly you feel that they just wouldnt want to know you unless you are able to match their characteristics and qualities. And yet, they look so good in their picture, So tanned, fit, and wonderful that you long to make contact, and do.
You are not surprised when they do not reply. This just feeds your feelings of low self worth and self-hatred and you give up trying for a while until the reminder that your membership is about to expire draws you back online again with the hope of better prospects ahead.

So, how can you shorten the odds and make meeting someone much more rewarding and successful? First of all, you need to build up your confidence by realising just what it is you have to offer someone, and learning how to get that across.

Next, you have to learn some rules about building charisma and developing rapport, so that every time you contact someone, every time you meet you can turn that event into a successful outcome, and your new found friendships into lasting relationships.

For example, when you put up your photo make sure that you are smiling. When you smile you show the most balanced aspect of your facial features and you look warm and friendly, do so with pride. It is very important, no matter what opinion you hold of yourself, to put a photograph up as part of your profile. Be proud of who you are. By putting up a photo you are showing that you are an honest, reliable person with nothing to hide. There are many people out there who look far worse than you do and have a lot less to offer. Make sure that your photo truly represents who you are today. It is a false vanity to use an old photograph and just not honest. You will drive people away when they meet you and give them a bad first impression of who you really are.

If you practice skills in knowing what to say and when to say it, what to do and when to do it, you will have a far greater success at building relationships. Everyone can learn how to choose a mate that is right for them, how to turn a conversation into a friendship and how to turn a friendship into a lasting relationship. All they need to do is know how.For detailed information on how to enjoy fantastic new relationships, read: VALENTINES FOREVER - 50 Ways To Meet And Keep Friends available at:

For Men Only:7 Simple Secrets To Keeping The Fire Burning In Your Relationship Beyond Valentines Day

If Valentines Day was typical, the flower and candy industry will make up for most of their financial losses on this day. They will sell every gift and teddy bear the public can afford and in some cases can't afford. However what they will not tell you is that by purchasing that candy, those flowers, that bear you may in fact actually be destroying your relationship. It's not that those things are not good, they are.
The problem in so many relationships occurs a few weeks after Valentines Day. On Valentines Day, every woman observes what her husband or boyfriend is truly capable of romantically. The problem is that most men have no intention of keeping up that intensity level of romance. Why? Well, many men like feel as though it would be unreasonable to do so. For those men I offer 7 simple secrets to keep the fire in your relationship burning beyond Valentines Day.

Simple Secret # 1 Ask the Everyday Question
Ask the average man if women talk too much and he will happily say, "YES". The truth is though; most men do not realize that a woman's number two (2) need is communication. To keep the flame in a relationship burning, men must ask there wives about their day. Then shut up and listen...and listen...and listen...and listen.

Simple Secret # 2 Answer the Everyday Question
Tthe next step is to be prepared to answer the everyday question. If communication is truly a deep need for woman, it means men must have something to contribute to the conversation. Inevitably after applying simple secret #1, men will hear something like, "and how was your day". The temptation is to simply say "fine" or "okay" however to keep the flame burning, men must provide their wives with a detailed account of their day from the moment they awaken up to the moment he returned home from work. This is hard for men I know but it must be done.

Simple Secret # 3 Maintain a Steady Date Night
Listen up gentlemen. No woman dreams as a little girl that she will grow up to be a house wife that is taken for granted by her husband. She never wrote in her diary that her secret fantasy was to never see the inside of a nice restaurant except on her birthday, Valentines Day and her anniversary. To keep the flame in your relationship burning, you must establish with her and maintain a regular "date night" each week. Work with her and identify an evening where you will go out as you once did long ago. No one else is allowed to participate and no one else is allowed to break the established day and time of date night.

Simple Secret # 4 Put the Kids to Bed
Every woman I know gives a tremendous amount of energy to her kids, husband and job. A man, must be sensitive to the demands that are constantly placed on her. The average woman works between 15 and 17 hours per day. Factor in the efforts getting the kids ready for school in the morning, working all day, then helping the kids with their homework, cooking and serving dinner then putting the kids to bed at night, it's clear this fact to be true. To keep the relationship burning, at least once a week, take the initiative to get the kids ready for bed. Give them their bath, help them brush their teeth, read them a bedtime story, tuck them in and pray with them. Note: Kids may be shocked at your presence during bedtime but don't let that discourage you. Keep this up at least two (2) times a week.

Simple Secret # 5 Invest in a Bottle of Bubble Bath
While putting the kids to bed, what might your wife be doing? To keep the fire burning in, men must prepare a nice hot bubble bath. This will keep her in the bathroom away from the activities of the kids' preparation for bedtime. Prepare the tub, add the bubbles and run the water. Do not let her do any of this. This way, you can chase the kids around the house and get them to bed before she gets out of the tub. Note: An advanced secret is that after her bubble bath, offer her a massage.

Simple Secret # 6 Clean Up After the Kids
In my home, we fold clothes, wash dishes, vacuum, and make beds. Whatever it takes to lighten a wife's load, should be done. Keep the flame burning. Find every opportunity to become a burden bearer for that special woman. See the kids made mess in their room, don't walk around it. Take the initiative to clean up any mess before she does. Practice uncommon cleanliness and watch the difference it makes in a relationship.

Simple Secret # 7 Pay Attention Men true romance has nothing to do with flowers or candy at all. In fact true romance can be summed up in one simple phrase. To women, true romance means simply that as a boyfriend or husband are proactively meeting her unspoken needs. Serious about keeping the fire burning in your relationship? Become a student of that woman. Is she concerned about her weight. Why not invest in one of the many diet programs like, and participate with her. Discover all over again what she likes and doesn't like. Go to a restaurant and order a meal along with desert for her without her being there to tell you what she wanted? As a child what did she always want to be when she grew up? Really pay attention to her. Begin to listen and take notes if need be. Anticipate her needs, lighten her load and tell her how special she is. Do this and guarantee that the fire will continue to burn in long after Valentines Day.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Christian Dating - An Overview

by: Milos Pesic
In one’s growing years, the need to have someone close becomes stronger. This is the time when people start dating members of the opposite sex. Earlier, matchmakers played the part of introducing two unknown individuals with common interests in hope of forming a lasting relation between them. In modern times, people rely on social meetings to meet new people. Christian dating slightly differs from the regular dating. Let us look at the aspects of Christian Dating. Notion Of Christian Dating Christian dating only differs to the extent that Christians looking for their life partner limit their search to the Christian community. This helps them to have a person, who shares their moral values. Again, Churches played a big part in acquainting Christian girls and boys. But this had certain limitations. So, in modern times, Christian dating sites have undertaken the responsibility of introducing and familiarizing Christian girls and boys with each other. Facilitating Single Christians Christian dating services have evolved in a big way over the past few years. These services, whether on the Internet or otherwise, have become an industry in its own right. Christian dating facilities are divided in various categories. Christians of varied age groups, professions or social standings can make use of these services and find a mate for them. Where to search for your partner, largely depends upon, what you are looking for in your partner. Making A Match Christian dating sites are usually of two kinds. One is where you find people, find out about their interests and hobbies, guess about their general nature, and contact them on the given contacts. The other kind of Christian dating site operates exactly like a matchmaking site. When you sign-up, you are required to fill a detailed feedback form, where you are asked about many personal details. This profile of yours is matched with the profile of another person, based on whether you share common interests, age group, live in the same city and think alike. Then the site gives you the opportunity to contact that person and try to form a relation. Dating Made Simpler With the concept of online dating catching up fast, youngsters find it much easier to meet and know new people. These sites ensure that we meet the right people, unlike befriending an unknown person, at an unknown place. Also, it is much safer to date people hailing from Christian dating sites, as they believe in the same Christian values. Even if a relationship does not work out, one can always put the past behind and move on.
About The Author
Milos Pesic is an expert in the field of Online Dating and runs a highly popular and comprehensive Christian Dating web site. For more articles and resources on Christian Dating related topics, online Christian dating services and much more visit his site at: =>

Dating Tips, Date Women

by: Cher Sern Lim
Top 6 Dating Tips To Help You Date Women And Succeed At It! Read About The Rules Of Dating And How You Can Naturally Attract The Right Women.
Dating women is extremely easy once you know what to do. But if you don’t know where to start that’s fine because here are some dating tips on what you should do on dates and how you can attract women while enjoying yourself at the same time.
Tip 1: Look Good
You may not be the most handsome guy in the world but that doesn’t mean that you can’t look good! Self grooming is extremely important and it doesn’t take a lot of effort to clean up before a date and pull on a clean ironed shirt. If you date women looking like a slob it’s no wonder that they’re not interested in you. Small tips to remember include bathing, smelling good, and trimming away nose hair.
Tip 2: Don’t Lie
Out of all the dating tips, this is probably one of the most important once of them all. I realize that more often than not it is easier to lie about certain things or even embellish on the truth to make your life sound more interesting. However the more you life the harder it is to keep track of the details and after your 4th date with the same woman will you actually remember the lies you’ve told since your first date?
Tip 3: Have A Sense Of Humor
Women love to date men who have a good sense of humor. If you can make her laugh half your battle is already won. This is because by making her laugh she is happy and enjoying herself. Laughing is also good because it creates positive vibes and leaves her with good memories of her date with you. When she remembers how fun this date was she’ll want to go out with you again for sure!
Tip 4: Be Yourself
Most dating tips will tell you that there are expectations that you have to live up to in order to attract and date women. This is not true! Men and even women always forget that pretending to be someone else will not work for long. This goes back to the 2nd tip of not lying because sooner or later the truth will slip out. And besides, wouldn’t you much rather have women date you for who you are rather than someone you are pretending to be?
Tip 5: Be A Mystery
One of the most important dating tips is to make sure that you are never always available. Women are curious and naturally attracted to what they don’t know. So if you project yourself as a bit of a mystery they will naturally want to go out with you more. So when they call you it’s advisable to not always be available at their beck and call. This is one of the most important rules of dating. Be nice but don’t be too nice and you will have women always coming back for more.
Tip 6: Enjoy Dating
The final tip to succeed at dating and women is to actually enjoy your dates. There is no point in dating or trying to find someone if all you do is stress out on your dates on how you can make it perfect or how you sound or look like. Dating women is supposed to be relaxing and enjoyable. If you are not enjoying yourself she will be able to tell and in turn she won’t have a good date either. Don’t expect too much out of a single date and who knows; even if you don’t find your significant other or soulmate, dating women could get you a new best friend.
About The Author
Cher Sern Lim
Visit now to get more FREE tips to double your dating success overnight! Discover the players’ secrets to meeting, dating & seducing women.