Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Dating Tips For Men

Dating tips for men and dating tips for women can be useful guides to getting along with and even "wooing" the opposite sex. A person will find a lot of useful information on the Internet or in the many books available regarding how to approach the opposite sex. Whatever your gender, you can be sure to have enough information in order to be equipped for the dating scene when you research information over the Internet.

The kinds of advice available include a wide array of subjects from safety tips, to counsel for single parents, to ideas for different kinds of recreational opportunities on which to take your male or female friend. However, because there are so many websites offering dating tips for men and dating tips for women, the wise single will be careful about the kind of advice he receives. Use common sense when exploring these sites, keeping in mind the kind of man or woman you desire to attract. The apostle Paul, in Ephesians 5:11 tells us to have "no fellowship with works of darkness." This means that we should reserve our most intimate relationships for believers.

Understanding this principle, dating tips can vary from men to women. The advice for men includes those for physical appearance and manners. For example, one for men is "look good, smell good." Seems obvious, right? Apparently not to all men. Another one of the dating tips for men that was listed online involves showing the lady that he can take care of himself. If he is living with his parents and is over the age of 30, that might not be a good sign to the lady he is trying to impress. Finally, many dating tips for men focused on the notion that chivalry is not dead. It does not matter how "liberated" a lady has become, she still likes her man to open the door for her.

On the other hand, dating tips for women seem to focus more on guiding the speed and direction of the relationship. For example, some people advised women to remain a bit of a mystery to the man they are trying to attract. Another advised women not to lower their standards - ever. Finally, as the men were also advised, "look good, smell good." No matter the kind of dating tips for women or men that you choose to take, the most important tip is to "be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another" (Romans 12:10).

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